When you're a kid, everyday was a breeze as all you do is eat, watch t.v. and sleep. All that time you're oblivious to everything around you. As you grow older, things get a little different. Things get complicated and before you know it, your day gets piled up with problems and unexpected development, leaving you full of stress and wondering what happened. Life is just full of surprises ain't it. When I hear that saying I remember John Lennon's song "Nobody Told Me".
A lot of times, somebody or something throws a wrench in the machine and stops its function. When that happens, all chaos breaks loose. This is where you fight the urge to panic and think of something to do. It's not easy though because you were caught by surprise, your thoughts are all scattered and try to get yourself together. If you were able to surpass this sudden development then good for you. Nevertheless, it still stinks when days like these happen.
Handling days like these is something you have to learn to anticipate and cope with on your own. You can read all the books and attend all the lectures on preparedness, but when it hit you, your mental jaw better be tough cause it's long day. I remember what my Karate teacher told me about being relaxed but alert and I'm trying to apply that to steel myself for these crazy days which are happening more frequently. I just hope I able to handle them because from the way things are, they're going to occur more frequently. These are indeed strange days and I'll do my best to deal with them even if nobody told about them.
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