Well it'll soon be Father's Day and just like we honor our mothers on Mother's Day, we do the same for our fathers on that day. It's fact that when a father has a son, we is very overjoyed because now there is someone who will carry on the family name who he can carve into his image. Sometimes, however, things get bumpy when the son has plans of his own and it gets worse when those plans go against everything the father believes in. The result could be a very bad shoutfest followed by a long grudge where both parties aren't speaking. Cat Steven's song "Father And Son" describes the usual banging of heads between father and son very eloquently.
It's sad when fathers and sons don't see eye to eye and it's even worse when a rift develops from it. The song was cool when he changes the tone of his voice from father to son and explains both sides in this song. As a son, I know how it feels to have my dreams criticized and ridiculed, especially when I really want to achieve it. As caretaker of my nephews and nieces which is the same as parent, I have a responsibility to tell them if they are doing the right thing or making a big mistake. Though both have their good points, it gets lost when the conflicts escalates and that is very sad.
Conflicts between father and son can be solved if both would just the good side of each is trying to say. From there, they can then find compromise or better yet a solution to that gap that keeps them from agreeing with each other. The best way to avoid conflicts between a son and a father is to always be with your son and know him fully. That way they can fully and understand each other and get a long better. Knowing, understanding and respect between father and son is something every father and son should on everyday of their lives. This is because they are a part of each other.
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