If the eighties were all about fun, the nineties were more somber and serious. Still, the music was very good and a lot of meaning. There were a lot great songs that I liked and I could relate to. I guess a lot of the songs described some of the left-over angst that still lingers from my youth. One song that I liked came from the soundtrack of the movie "City of Angels". The song was called "Iris" by the Gogo Dolls.
Whenever I hear that song, I remember the times when I often got misundertood by a lot of people. Sometimes it due to impulsive action or a saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. The hard part about that is the wrong impression that people get from that mistakes really sticks to you. Even when your intentions are good, a slip up could really give you a bad image. When that happens, it is difficult to shake off and takes a long time to do so.
A lot of times, I wish people would get to know me better. I know a one-sided deal and I also have to meet people half-way for that to happen. I know this is going to take a lot of work because I'm loner and don't express myself much. But even a loner knows that no man is an island and will have to interact with others eventually. In the end, all I want is for people to know me better so they can see me for who I really am.
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