Right now last Friday's incident still remains vividly in my memory. It pisses when you're tired from work and about to chill out when all of a sudden somebody breaks the calm of the night. What really pisses me off most is the fact that those who shouldn't be imposing are the ones imposing! Just when I thought things would calm down a bit, here we go again and this my folks have just about had it. When I think of the boot treatment, I suddenly remember the song "Black Cow" by Steely Dan.
One thing I learned during those dark years is that ordeals like that really make learn just where you stand and the consequences overstepping your bonds could catastrophic. Sometimes people who are hospitable and kind often are rewarded with manipulation and abuse in their own roof. Jerks who do the abuse don't realize it until they turn these people inside-out. When that happens, don't surprise if these people suddenly toss you out to the streets. When that happens, where's your high and mighty throne now.
In the end, what I learned from this is know your place. There's a limit to people's tolerance and when the last breaks the camel's back, that camel is going to kick your ass. If you want your own rules to be followed, then go find your own place. This especially true when you're not doing anything and causing more problems. When that happens, take your black cow and get out of here!!!
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