You know nobody's perfect because there'll be times when you bang heads with your relatives, especially your parents. You got your beliefs and they got theirs and the sad part about is that sometimes conflict can arise from that. Be that as it may, never forget that even though you have a right to voice your side, you should always do so with respect. Without it, even if you have valid points, it becomes meaningless. That's the lesson that I learned a long time ago and when I hear Aretha Franklin's song "Respect", it helps me remember that lesson.
Respect for parents is an important value regardless of race or religion, etc. No matter how wrong or strict our parents are, we still owe them a lot. Still trying to stand up for your beliefs is also the right of every individual. The problem is how we present our argument without ending hating each other. What is important is that you present your case politely and calmly. Here their side when you are done and try to find some middle ground from there because their should be compromise from both sides for their to be a solution.
What is important is that no matter the result is, the repect is always there. It's a fact of life that parents are sometimes hard to understand. By the time you are a full fledged adult, you should know what makes them tick. You can never change them but you can find a way to agree with them and get your point through at the same time. Just remember respect first and for most because without, you'll always end up losing not only your case but also their respect as well.
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