We go through all sorts of struggles in life. When we are confronted by it, we have no choice but to face it and fight it. Sometimes we win and sometimes we loose. There times, however, when there was so much at stake and when it falls apart, it really hurts big time. It makes me wonder why things go wrong when you need it the most. At times when that happens, I listen to the song "Just Can't Win 'Em All" by Stevie Woods.
At first, I thought it was Boz Scaggs who sang this song. Anyway, a lot of us always to have things our way. There are times, however, when things don't turn out as you hope it would. Even during times, things are going your way, crap happens and ruins a perfectly good winning streak. The worst part about it is that no matter how hard you try or prepare for the worse is that when it all goes wrong, there's just no stopping till the damage is done.
Well, there's no use in crying over spilled milk. The best thing that you can do is chalk up as part of experience. Learn from it so that it won't happen again. More importantly, appreciate what you've already gained before that too disappears. You what they say, "win some, loose some."
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