You can tell something's amiss when people either stop coming over or when there's an icy cold silence filling the air. You don't notice it at first but when you, it really gets you worried when you realize that something's not right around here. Trouble is when you try to find out what's going on, it does more harm than good. Though you're intentions are good, the result could be that you opened up a Pandora's Box and the crap starts flying all over the place. Situations like that remind of No Doubt's song "Don't Speak".
If I remember right, this song is about a time the band's life when they had grudges that they can't express and this song helped resolve it. I wish it was that easy because from where I come from, when that happens it affects everybody. The more you try to talk about it, the more they shut down. If the issue is forced, it might come to blows and I don't want that to happen. Still, it really stinks because it's a no win situation.
As always, you have to wait till the steam blows over. It's like nature, no matter how you try to prepare for it, in the end you have to wait till it runs its course. Still, I hope that whatever is happening gets resolved real quick. We still have a lot to deal with and this we don't need. Right now, we need to stick together if we want to make it through these difficult times.
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