You know I hate it when things don't go as you'd hope and what's worse is that you find yourself going back to the drawing boards. After all that hard work, it stinks especially when it took a lot of time and effort. Still, if you want to do it, then you going to have to do it all over again. On a good note, you get to find out where you went wrong and of course understand the process better. Tedious process of doing it all over again and find out what needs to be done reminds me of the song " Break It Down Again" by Tears For Fears.
As with any process, this also applies to people's lives as well. A lot of us have high hopes for how we want our lives to be. A lot of times, things don't turn out like we plan and worse still, we wind up either living lives we hate or simply want to end it all. When it comes to that point, we really need to take a pause and look around us to figure out just what went wrong and to that you really have to be honest about what really happened. When you figure out that part, the next step is figuring out what is it that you want to achieve and how to go about it. Finally, you need to have the perseverance and conviction to implement those things that you need cause if you're scared, nothing will change and you'll wind up crying in your bed every night.
They that if there's time, there's hope for change. I really want to believe in that because I was taught that you can change your life if you really want to. We've all seen dreams fall apart or lives waste away and we don't that to happen to us. I don't what plans people have for themselves but I do know we want to see them come true. Even if it means going back to square one by breaking things down again, it'll be worth if it means a better life.
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