Ever had those times when you're a sleep, you suddenly start dreaming. In that dream, you find yourself so immersed in the situation that you're in, you think it was all real. Then all of a sudden there's a burst of light and the next thing you know is that you better get dress and get to work cause you'll be late. Even though you make it in time, you can still remember the dream or parts of it because it was so vivid. That's the thought that enters my head when I hear the song "Running Down A Dream" by Tom Petty.
Whenever I get into one of those deep dreams, it's kind a freaky how real it can feel, especially the scary ones. It could also be surreal, when you find yourself in a situation where you never thought you would be in. When the dream is good, you'd wish you never wake up and when it's a bad one, you want to open your eyes. Some of the bad ones end without any conclusion really get to me because I wonder if it was real or if it will happen in the future. When that happens, it takes some time for me to shake it off.
A lot of times the vivid ones really get to me cause I can't help but think that it's either trying to tell me something or is it a preview of what the future holds. I'm not a superstitious but when something that deep isn't resolved, it really gets to me. In the meantime, I just go about my daily routine and hope the day ends well. I'll know when I'll be running down a dream again, but if I do, I hope it would be something good this time around.
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