Whenever I read the business section of the newspaper, the first thing I look at is the exchange rate and right now the one dollar is equal to forty eight pesos. When I multiply that by one thousand, I start thinking that's a lot of money. Right because of the economic downturn which is still felt globally, money is now a scarce commodity and pressure can be felt by all of us. Yet despite the harsh realities that we face, there are still some things that could still bring a smile to our faces and give us that little push to keep going even when it gets too much. I get a feeling of hope and desperation rolled into one in these kinds of situations just like the song "Round Here" by Counting Crows.
Whenever I listen to the songs in their first album "August And Everything After", it takes me back to one of those "bad periods" when things just weren't going right. Hard times when all doors were locked and there was nobody around as you struggle to make it out of the quagmire. To add insult to injury were the constant preachings which you cannot avoid and must swallow every bitter drop because you screwed up. You try your best to keep your head on your shoulders because if you lose it, then you lived up to everybody's expectations that you're bound to loose. Only by keeping it together despite the pain can you find the light out of the darkness.
I still shudder when I think those bad times and like said in that seminar, I don't want to make the same mistake again. Nowadays, I want to learn more things that would help me make it in this dismal world that we live in. Don't get me wrong, I do have hope, but sometimes when the black mood hits me during these times, it really throws me in a loop and things come to a stop. Still, I want something better not only for me, but for those around me. It's what I want to do if I'm to make round here where things are getting tougher and more melancholic everyday.
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