Friday, October 8, 2010

One Of Those Senseless One-Hit Songs: Amadeus By Falco

I have to admit that there are some songs played on 24K that I don't like. Some of them can be a real pain in the ear. When I think about it, I wonder how they became hits in the first place. Still, for some reason there people out there who not only like them really dance to them. I guess what's noise pollution to some is music to others. One such song that I never liked was Falco's "Amadeus".

I used to remember my brother teasing me with song due to a time where he saw me with my hair unkempt (which is one the reasons why I didn't like this song). Anyway I know that Amadeus was like the rocker of classical music back then which is why I guess there were leather-clad bikers mixed in with those who sported elegant 1700-style clothing (plus the wigs and ruffles) in the video. Still, every time, I hear this song, I wanna turn off the radio. I can't understand what this song no matter how many times it got played.

After this song, I never heard another from this guy. There was song and video with him and Bridgette Nielsen, but it was seldom heard on the radio. After that he faded away like a lot of one-hit wonders of the time. For some, this song rocks but for me, it was senseless then and its senseless now. Different strokes for different folks I guess. I'm just glad that it was just a one-hit-wonder.

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