Yesterday, I said that when love gets a hold of you, it can really lift you up. You get so high that you think that you won't fall down. When the feeling isn't mutual, it's a different story and from being suspended from the air to suddenly plummeting down to the ground. In short, you got dumped and boy does it hurt. At that point, it reminds me of the song "Love Stinks" by The J. Geils Band.
The hard part about love is that doesn't come easy. You're going to have find a way to win that person and to do that you have know what makes that person tick. You have to know when to give them some space and when to move in. It's a delicate balancing act which is why it hurts when you get dumped. You gave your heart and soul to win that person and it just wasn't meant to be. Well somebody's got win and somebody's got to loose.
It doesn't matter how much you give and sacrifice cause if that doesn't like you that much, then that's it. It's best to cool off and have brew and a herb to down the grief. As hard as it is, that's how it played out. Cheer up though, when you're over it, there's still a lot of fish in the sea. One thing's for sure, when you get dumped, love really stinks.
J. Geils Band - Love Stinks
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