Well, February's here and that' means it's the month of hearts. I say that for the obvious reason that it's Valentine's Day on the 14th. For those who are happily married or very in love with someone, its the time where you go all-out to prove how much you care. For contented single guys like me, it's just another day but for the jilted majority, it's a bitter reminder of losing the game of love. Though we don't want to admit, on this month and on that particularly day, it's no surprise that sometimes we think about that special someone who got away. The song "Back Where You Belong" by 38 Special always makes me feel that way.
Though it's been awhile, whenever I hear this song play, I think of all those special ones who got snagged by someone else. It's starts with getting awestruck, then you do what you can to win her attention. A lot of times, you throw away all that you once valued and sometimes you find yourself looking like a buffoon in a desperate attempt to gain her favor. Alas, even you're close, things happen and despite all that you've done, she took someone else's offer. That's the game, sometimes you win and sometimes you loose.
So you go back and try pick the pieces and get on with your life as best as you can. Though time heals all wounds, sometimes it gets to when you really think about it. It's just a matter of learning to live with the loss and move on. You did the best that you could. Better luck next time.
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