I remember that part in the Bible when Cain fled after killing his brother Abel. As he fled, God asked him where his brother is and he said he didn't know and that he wasn't his brother's keeper but the jig was up and God punished him. The reason why I am mentioning this is because Cain was wrong and the truth we are all each other's keeper because we are all apart of each other. Looking out for each other and making sure that everyone is okay is what family is all about. I get reminded of that when I hear the song "Distant Early Warning" by Rush.
I know I can be such a worry wart sometimes but I can't because when it comes to my parents, brothers, nephews, nieces and sister-in-laws, I always pray for their good fortune and safety. Whenever I sense something's amiss, it sets off alarms in my head. People tell me that I should first look after myself and straighten my life and I totally agree with them. Still, that doesn't mean that I should just ignore them and just go my jolly way. Their joy is my joy and their sorrow is my sorrow and screw those would do them harm.
After three years of seeing the bond is peril, the thought of looking out for family is something I really learned to appreciate. That's when I feel something's going on, it really hits me hard. I really take it personally when someone tries to do them harm. If ask if I am my brother's keeper, the answer is definitely YES! The fact is we are all each other's keepers and we will always look out for each others.
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