Time and time again, a lot of my entries were about hard times and the loneliness that went with it. Sure there times when I had some fun, but the lousy sure were more frequent. People who had it lucky never had times when things were so bleak that it bring you to your knees. Even if it is only for a moment, it still hits you hard and that's when you know you the case of the blues. When I hear the song "And I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues" by Elton John, all those bad experiences really hits me hard.
Why it's called the blues is simple: When something happens that steals away all that made your life meaningful disappears or worst is taken from you, that's when you call it the blues. A lot of times when I fell short, I could feel a dark hand starting to take all that I cherish away from me. You feel like everything's frozen, while the rest of the world goes on. Emptiness, disappointment and anger are your constant companions and put in a place where you don't want to be and made to do things you don't want to do. If that isn't the blues, I don't what is.
As much as it hurts, you have to keep it together and ride out the tough times. Lord knows how many times I've done that. Nevertheless, even if I have experienced it a lot of times, that doesn't mean I want to go through it again. The feeling hurts every time it happens and there's no getting use to it, unless your cold as ice. So when the blues hits you, you'll know it when you feel it.
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