Whether you watch a movie when marauders ride into town or an MMA match were a fighter enters the stadium, you can bet they put up a heavy front as they make their appearance. When they walk in, don't be surprised if onlookers and bystanders start to turn and gaze at awe. Why wouldn't they, when they can feel that something powerful and mean is coming this way. When a scene like this starts to unfold, you can bet the music is something very direct and very intimidating which can really have a psychological effect on the audience and enemies alike. One such song can make such a statement is Black Sabbath's "Iron Man".
From the first time I heard this song, you feel like something terrifying is on its way. The first thing that the target would want to do is summon all his resolve to face this terror or fly from the scene. If you are the one marching to this tune, it's obvious that you're not in a nice mood and you can be sure where you are headed for will involve pure mayhem. You want to get all psyched up and not be distracted for the coming storm. With destruction on your mind, this song is the perfect choice.
It's amazing what emotions songs can stir inside a person. Its even more amazing when the right tune is played at the right place at the right time. You really want to make an impression on the other guy that you made a mistake messing with me. When you achieve that, you've already won the first part of the battle. When it comes to telling people to back off this song fits the bill.
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