Thursday, September 4, 2008

When Pressure Bears Down On You: Pressure By Billy Joel

The hard part about reaching my age and not getting my life in order is that I'm really starting to feel like the world is closing down on me. My parent's are getting older, my brother's have been distant and if disaster strikes, I don't I'll be able to handle it. They say what doesn't kill only makes you strong; right now I hope that's true because though it hasn't killed me yet, it all ready has raised by blood pressure and shattered my nerves. On top of that, I get all this preachings on what you should and shouldn't have done. With all these things crowding my thoughts, it reminds me of Billy Joel's song "Pressure".

When I see the video and listen to the song, it literally has pressure written all over it. When I see the scene where he's sitting infront a big screen with all these subliminal messages and as he's watching it, he really gets enraged, I know how he feels. Sometimes you feel pressured even if there's no one hassling you when things get worse rather than improve at times when you need a change for the better. That part where he was walking down the streets and oblivious to the car splashing water at him is something I have felt and experienced before. These days I get that numb feeling not because I'm bored, but rather due to the stress that I get from pressure.

I know life's not fair, but sometimes I wish the Big Guy wouldn't make it more unfair than it already is because I'm doing my best to cope with all the things life's been throwing at me. It's bad enough when I hear the sermons from self-righteous know-it-alls who think they have the answers, but all they do is kick sand in your face when what you really need is some help. All they do is make a bad situation worse by giving the so-called two cents worth. I just hope that I be able to find a way to resolve all these things. More importantly, I hope I'll be able to find the strength to cope with them in the mean time because problems will keep coming and we have to keep on fighting inorder to show them that we can still handle it.

Billy Joel - Pressure
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