Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Women Today: Modern Woman By Billy Joel

As I've said yesterday, women have come a long way from just being mere housewives. A long time ago, women were seen but not heard. These days, they definitely have found their own voice in society. It wasn't easy but they worked hard for it. If take a look at what women used to be and what they are now, the song "Modern Woman" by Billy Joel comes to my mind.

A long time ago, women were just meant to be married off and being a nurse, secretary or a teacher was probably the most prestigious career that they can get,. These days women are now making their own choices are now even leading figures in society. More importantly, they now have a voice in society and have fought alongside men in battle. As the years go by women are now starting to gain more ground as they continue in their goal to be accepted as equals.

There are still a lot to do for them though. There societies out there that still abuse women and treat them as objects. There are even some out there who are ready hurt or even kill women because their culture allows it. I just hope that the progressive women do something about this. For me, personally I admire women like this because they were brave enough to make a change and pave the way for others to enjoy the freedom that they laid the groundwork for. They really modern women.

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