Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I Find This Annoying: Macarenas By Los Del Mar

As much as I am a sucker for the old songs, I must admit there are some songs that I don't like. That's an understatement because actually I find them annoying. For some reason, these songs became hits but for me, I wanna turn off the radio when it starts playing on the air waves. Quite frankly, it gives me a headache when I hear it. One such song is "Macarenas" by Los Del Mar.

I don't know how this song became a hit. All I know is that it just burst into the air waves and the next thing I know, it was playing everywhere and everyone was dancing to it. There was no escaping this song at height. Whether it was the radio or television, you'd always hear it day in and day out. I wanted to ask people do you know why you're listening to this song because I know I do.

Though it has finally died down, there are a lot of other songs that's just as or even more annoying. That's the reason why I only listen to the radio on a 24K Week End. I have to admit there some songs that I don't that get played but well it was requested so if I don't like it, I respect their choice. Well to each his own then. I just this song so annoying

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