As I have mentioned before, I'm easy when it comes to dealing with other people. Most of the time, I'm the one who backs down just to settle things amicably. It happens so often that people often remark that if I was an explosive device, I'd have a very long fuse. Still, just like everyone else, I have my limits and once the fuse is lit and hits the power enough is enough. You called down the thunder you asked for it and to heck with the consequences. When my anger reached its peak and I don't care anymore, the song " I Don't Care Anymore" by Phil Collins comes to mind.
The problem with people is that when you're too nice, they tend to abuse you. These are the kind of people who really make me see red. They're the ones who play with fire only to get burned themselves. I don't like getting angry but I'm not going to let some jerk keep annoying me. Times like that I don't care anymore. You made this mess so clean up and see if I care.
When I get in mad mode, I just want to throw my hands up and leave. Anyone who tries to push it might wind up with a kick in the face. Like anyone else who get pissed, I too need some time to cool off. I sometimes hate myself when my emotions take hold of me which is why I don't like getting angry. At that point, I really don't care anymore.