The problem with being blue is that even the good things that have been happening around you don’t matter. You feel so low that you find yourself imprisoned by your problems. You feel heavy and it sure is hard to get a more on when more crap gets thrown your way. Even the clear blue sky offers no relief from the crappy feeling that’s inside you. With that in mind, I remember Stevie Ray Vaughn’s version of the song “The Sky Is Crying”.
I have to thank my brother for introducing me to Stevie Ray when I was in college cause the man was amazing as he helped keep the blues alive during my college days. Anyway, whenever I hear this song, you can bet that I’m in a mood as nothing good and a lot of bad is happening around me. Broke, health, emotional issues have been plaguing me left and right. At times like I take my usual trip down south or hang out with Jack or Johnnie. Anything to chase away the blues.
Despite the crap that I’ve been right now, what keeps me going is the fact that this will be temporary. It’s just a matter of riding out the storm and finding a way to make things right. I just need some time to sort things out without throwing this crap to other people. It’s going to be tough though cause the crap doesn’t seem to stop either. That’s reason why I think the sky is crying even if people see it as clear blue.
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