Monday, March 9, 2009

So Carefree: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun By Cyndi Lauper

Here I go again, putting an entry that would probably make my brothers and friends wonder why I considered it, let alone posted it. Well it was played in RT back in the day and it's part of my generation. A remember a lot of girls (who are now women) would sing along to this song. I can't say a blame because it asserts their independence in a very fun way. The song is from Cyndi Lauper called "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun".

This is definitely a song for girls who want a good time. It describes the care-free behavior that a lot of girls have when they were teens. Even today, a lot of girls have still exhibit that strong yet fun character which keeps them going in everything that they do. That's why when I see girls or women with strong character yet can be so cheerful, I can't help but admire them. They are the types who will make it in everything they do and they'll do so with a smile in their faces.

I know for other people, girls with attitude can be a turn-off, but when things are bleak and opportunities are rare, you really have to be strong. You can't just let the bad times get you down. I have to admit when I see this video, I remember the time when no matter how hard things were, people always knew how to handle it and they handle it well. Well for those girls who wanna have fun, just remember to keep because and remember what's important. If you do that, then you'll always have fun.

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