Sunday, July 10, 2011

When Symbols Of Your Culture Are Starting To Disappear: Great Pinoy Antiquities By Juan Dela Cruz

I remember when I was college, my of my English Elective class made me read the book "State Of War". I remember one chapter where one of the characters who was an old man was looking at the pier. As he gazed, it struck him that something was missing and if I remember right, it was the boats that fished in the area. The reason why there were no boats was the livelihood was dying out and it was part of that town's culture and heritage since the town began. When I realize that several iconic structures which represents one's culture starts to disappear one by one, the song "Great Pinoy Antiquities" by Juan Dela Cruz comes to mind.
It's incredible these days how much has change over a period of time. Sadly, some of those things that vanish are part of our identity. The old houses, certain customs and traditions and even institutions that identified us as a people are now fading with time. The fact that we don't notice it should alarm us for these things are part of who we are. If that is lost, then it won''t be long until everything will soon follow after.
You know I'm glad that there movements that help preserve our cultural heritage. Even if it means going pop, it's better than not doing anything at all. I guess these new young bloods are doing some good when it comes to something important as this. The effort we put in preserving our cultural heritage reflects how much we value our identity as a people. Never take that for granted cause it's part of who we are.

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