Wednesday, March 7, 2012

No One To Tell: Tell It To The Moon By Martha Davis

Today, I would like to dedicate this post to people who always keep their problems bottled up inside them. These are the people who often overlooked, criticized and misunderstood. A lot of times, these people are often relegated to the background and that's can sure add insult to injury. The worst part about it is others don't they exists before its too late. That's why I'm choosing the song "Tell It To The Moon" by The Martha Davis..

Who are these people you ask? Well, they're the one who are often overshadowed when there's a gathering. They can also be the ones who often get cut out of a conversation when they are about to speak. They get that feeling that they're only seen and not heard and that can be both depressing as well as insulting to these people. Then people will wonder why these guys will eventually withdraw themselves from doing anything with the group. I wouldn't blame.

This is such as shame because these guys have so much to give if they had the chance. Most of the time, the big-mouths are the ones who get the acclaim. They are so full of it yet they're just a bunch of blow-hards. For those who don't get the chance to speak, maybe one day, they'll get their chance. It's not fair that they can only tell it to the moon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know that feel. know it well.,, nice post.